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Institutional Investors - Subscription Service
REIT Growth and Income Monitor is designed for institutional investors who make REITs a central or an important part of their daily investment choices. The monthly REIT Growth and Income Monitor summarizes key information on REITs by industry sector, assisting the real estate investment investor in their daily investment decisions.
Buy and Sell RecommendationsBUY and SELL recommendations are provided, highlighting key decision points and providing fundamental information on REITs. Sector comments provide an update on important trends and issues affecting REITs within their chosen sector focus. Analysis is provided by sector, for office REITs, residential REITs, retail REITs, financial REITs, health care REITs, and miscellaneous specialty REITs. As an institutional investor, you need current buy and sell recommendations, sector analysis, comments and important trends that you’re private investors or those investors who concentrate most heavily on real estate investments require. |  |  | . |  |
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